If you are interested in the tools of our project, join us at PGdays event this summer - a great venue to hang out, talk, learn the way of the database

2 months ago ~ Oleg Lavrovsky

Uploaded minified version of the slides

2 months ago ~ Oleg Lavrovsky

Hey Oleg can you open additional port on the vikunja cloud server?

2 months ago ~ cmarc

Working on a github pipeline to host project as website with github pages...

2 months ago ~ Christian Huber

  We put on some Rock'n'roll to bring out the 😊😁

2 months ago ~ Oleg Lavrovsky

ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIAvLAtqG+Hz433TZkLubXdAzJAN2ZOJCvf3O8rRdA0v9 marc_chautems@outlook.com

2 months ago ~ cmarc

ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABgQCas3qZueSXF926tyMfOvvUt4opI8ZMDsNO8xvRuM0io9RBsMN2p+U3z25ykhNsjrm/0bNBKnaag83VQ6NFRuKWmq1cs2NrBqAtuXyKUYoUorwCXE+KZIrqAuvzGbNG4auj2ENeNKR0QVUJkDHNarjdYzxIaylbbkWWXH/pKTK9UvYk5RgEGgLisbuCAbR91+6V6W1yNf84mUYDlw2Wh0sNSVQNuqmN6dMaTw1mw1t7zC4t2VO/

2 months ago ~ Julius Chrobak

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* dribs n. pl.: in small amounts, a few at a time