

Tips for using (Spatial) SQL to manage your farm


On this page we are collecting tips on the use of non-proprietary, low cost, open source tools and learning resources. The source of it is the experience of the Open Farming Hackdays teams, and several "awesome" lists - in particularawesome-geospatial that is linked in the Source.


The basic ingredient of spatial data is best made using portable and reliable apps and mobile devices. You can also start with open data sources - here are just a couple of examples amongst many others:

  • QField
  • Ushahidi
  • OsmAnd
  • Nominatim
  • Swisstopo


The building blocks of interoperability are these open formats, into which standards of geospatial data exchange are baked in:

  • GeoJSON
  • Geopackage
  • Parquet
  • CSV


To visualize your data and combine it with other maps, you will find these tools of data visualization easy to install, learn, and share with others:.

  • Leaflet
  • Maplibre
  • OpenLayers
  • Cesium


Asking questions about the data, making improvements, controlling quality, creating new layers and layer compositions for further visualization:

  • SpatiaLite
  • PostGIS
  • Datasette


Connecting the analytical system to notifications and dashboards and other instruments, so as to make spatial data part of your daily business:

  • Airflow
  • Mattermost
  • n8n
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