× This Challenge was posted 1 year ago


Plant protection

Relevant data sources on fertilisers and other products

In the report "Future orientation of agricultural policy", the Federal Council shows how the Swiss agricultural and food sector can make an even greater contribution to food security in the future. The entire food system, from production to consumption, is included in the considerations. The strategy is to be implemented in three stages, one of which calls for more transparency in the use of environmentally relevant products.

See https://www.blw.admin.ch/blw/de/home/politik/agrarpolitik/postulat.html

Data is available in the form of a catalog of said products, which can be obtained in XML and XSD format at https://www.blv.admin.ch/blv/de/home/zulassung-pflanzenschutzmittel.html

For a further 90+ datasets from the Federal Office for Agriculture FOAG visit https://opendata.swiss/de/organization/bundesamt-fur-landwirtschaft-blw At this time the Federal Food Safety and Veterinary Office FSVO does not publish open data.

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